What Is Intermittent Fasting? | GNC


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July 14, 2022

What Is Intermittent Fasting?


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It seems like there’s a new diet trending every week, but one approach that seems to be sticking around is intermittent fasting. If you’re wondering what it is and how it works, this article is for you. Check out the basics so you can determine if intermittent fasting is the right fit for your diet goals. If you feel that intermittent fasting is something that you’re interested in trying, please consult your physician to determine if it’s right for you.


What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting involves periods of fasting alternated with eating “windows.” One of the most popular IF schemes is a “16/8” plan, where you fast for 16 consecutive hours and then consume all of your calories for the day in the following eight hours. The hours that you spend fasting is your choice—you can fast from 10PM to 2PM the next day, 8PM to noon, midnight to 4PM or any other time you choose. A 16/8 IF plan is intended to be done every day, indefinitely.

What Is Allowed During The Fasting Period?

By definition, an absolute fast is an abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period of time. That means nothing. However, most intermittent fasting protocols allow for the consumption of zero calorie products. That means no food or calorie-containing beverages are allowed during the fasting hours, but you can drink water, black coffee, and plain green tea.

The Science Behind Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular in the last few years. There are different theories as to how IF could work to assist in weight management, but it can also be explained quite simply—the fewer hours you spend eating, the more likely you are to eat less food. Basically, IF can result in you consuming fewer calories, which in turn can result in you losing weight. After all, calories in versus calories out still matters, even though it’s not the only factor involved in weight management.

The Convenience Factor

One benefit fans of IF report is the convenience. If you are only eating between certain hours of the day, then you don’t have to worry as much about food or eating until the late afternoon. That means no time wasted on food prep or even sitting down to eat. There’s no need to pack food for when you’re out and about, and you don’t have to worry about ordering special food when you eat out at a restaurant. That means you can shift your focus to other things, like work, family and friends.

What About Hunger?

If you’ve never tried IF, or fasting of any kind, you likely have some basic concerns about it. One common concern is hunger. The truth is, yes, you will probably get hungry, especially in the beginning as your body adjusts to your new eating plan. If intermittent fasting is something you’re interested in trying, take some time to consider when you will fast. You might find it easier to fast during busy times of your day so you aren’t focused on food. Eating adequate fiber and protein can also help, especially as part of your last meal before your fast starts. Both nutrients can help you feel full for a longer period of time.

Will I Miss Key Nutrients?

Intermittent fasting does not restrict any foods; it only restricts the hours that you eat. Reducing the number of hours that you eat may result in you eating fewer calories, which may make getting your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals more challenging. Including a multivitamin as part of your daily nutrition regimen can help fill any nutrient gaps that you might have.

If you’re new to fasting or looking for a weight management program that really fits, you might have a lot of big “what IFs”—but with the proper scheduling and the right nutrition during eating windows, intermittent fasting may be for you.